Content is King: Stand Out Among CPA Competition


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When you shop around for a product, what does it take before you are ready to pull the trigger? You want to be sure that you’re getting the best product, and you want to be sure that you’re getting what you pay for.

These are the two foundational criteria for any purchase decision—and they are just as important when shopping for services.

When a potential client conducts research on competing services, there are three main factors that can affect their decision:

1. Competitive pricing
2. Reviews and ratings
3. Marketing content

The first two are self-explanatory, and mostly out of your control. You can’t lower your rates below your cost, and you can’t always be the cheapest option. Nor can you control the reviews and ratings that you receive, without altering the service itself.

What you can do, is convince potential clients—through compelling marketing content—that your service is the best around.

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How do you do this?

There are five content categories that can be optimized for the highest possible conversion rate.

1. Site Copy
2. Blog
3. CTAs
4. Case Studies
5. Whitepapers

Each of these content categories represents a different venue for self-promotion. Treat each category as an independent platform, but don’t forget to tie everything back together.

That means that every piece of content that makes it onto one of these platforms has to hold it’s own (in a marketing sense). A potential client that lands on one of your blogs, case studies, or whitepapers ought to have enough information at their fingertips to make an informed decision without requiring any of the other categories.

That said, creating a multi-faceted approach to content marketing is an excellent idea, and will only help you on your quest to convert users.

Such an approach would use the information presented on one post, for instance, to strengthen the argument made on a white paper, for example.

Remember: your content is what positions your product or service as a superior one. Clients will form opinions of your service based on what they have read on your site, and elsewhere.
Do your best to create a cohesive and strong content marketing strategy that focuses on the five core marketing content categories—it’ll help you drastically.

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