Organize Your Firm To See Results


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Nobody wants to spend hours on end looking for something they cannot find, searching through emails for files and important dates. Not only is this a waste of time out of your busy day, but it is frustrating and very inefficient.

Staying organized in your workplace (especially as a CPA) will help you hit your deadlines, goals, and overall stay on top of what is going on at your firm. Staying organized will also free up some of your time, which also allows you to take on more responsibility.

Being successful at work often depends on your level of organization, and means that you always need to be aware of your next potential opportunity.

For example, the more organized you are, the higher chance of you getting a sale. There are so many ways to stay organized with new technology, that there are really no excuses for being disorganized anymore.

Here are a few tips for staying organized:

1. Set a realistic goal for yourself.
2. Use a calendar, and always keep it updated.
3. Keep your important files in one place. Use folders within folders to allow yourself to know where things are, at all times.
4. Tie-up all of your loose ends at the end of each work day. Go through your emails and meetings and remaining work every day, and act as needed. Whether you need to respond to an email or confirm an appointment, setting time aside for this will help you stay organized.

According to Organized World, the average office employee spends approximately an hour and a half every day looking for things. That ends up being 6 weeks per year! Talk about wasted time.

But how do I stay so organized? You may be thinking. That’s where FirmHero comes in.

FirmHero allows accounting firms and their clients to stay as organized as they possibly can. With this system, all of your files, messages, and important dates are one in consolidated place. You will never miss a meeting, a date, or a task that needs to be completed.

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