Your Firm’s New Site: Template vs. Custom Development


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When FirmHero came to fruition, we knew that we needed a website, but we didn’t know what route to take. Our choices were clear: go with a template from a site like ThemeForest, or contract a professional development agency to build out a custom site.

There are pros and cons whichever way you decide to go, so you ought to acquaint yourself with them before you make a major decision.

Template from ThemeForest

This is by far the simplest solution. Templates don’t require very much additional development, and little-to-no additional design. This translates to significantly reduced investment requirements on your firm’s part.
ThemeForest templates are tried and tested. As a ThemeForest customer, you have access to star ratings, reviews, descriptions, screenshots, and comments to help guide your decision. As such, there’s no need to doubt the quality of the theme you’ve selected.

Here’s a pretty major flaw. With Templates, unless you have a talented developer on staff, what you see is what you get. If you want to start changing elements, altering the aesthetic, or adding new sections, you’re going to need to know how to code.

That means little-to-no customization for your firm’s website.

Custom Site Solution

Your firm’s new website can look like anything you want it to. You can add absolutely any functionality, any design elements, and virtually unlimited content—the only stopping you is your budget.

Custom software development can often be expensive, but it’s well worth it. The level of control over the final product allows your developer to integrate specialized security features, conversion funnels, interactive elements—pretty much anything.

The cost of a custom project can often leave you breathless. Yes, several tens of thousands of dollars is a lot of money, but that’s the cost of true quality.

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